Little Caesars
Spec Work/Independent Study
I created a business line that helps keep Little Caesars competitive in a crowded market, by positioning them as the go-to for bulk orders.
Experience Strategists, Interviews, Market Research, User Journey maps, 3D design, UI design
Programs Used
Blender, Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma

Little Caesars is facing strong competition in its key strengths: Value and Convenience.
There is a lack of easily approachable large-order food options.
Make Little Caesars the leader in bulk ordering for parties of all sizes.

Covid Forged Stronger Competition
Little Caesars thrived by offering the best value and convenience options.
They led the way with BOPIS (Buy Online Pickup In Store) with their Pizza Portals. Covid forced all competitors to streamline their BOPIS systems just to survive. Little Caesars now has a marginal lead in convenience with limited delivery options.
Coupled with Prices On The Rise
With inflation families' budgets are tightening.
Other chains have focused more on their value menus. For example, Taco Bell's Party Pack is now a better value than Little Caesars for a family of 6, when you include drinks.
At home, frozen pizza is less expensive than Little Caesars. The frozen pizza aisle has also expanded its selection and quality.

Many chains have bulk ordering options, but they're not a priority. Catering-specific options have opaque pricing.
Little Caesars could fill both small and large party orders.
Catering is a 10.8 BN Industry & It's Projected to Grow.
Covid Hit Catering Hard
The shutdown of offices and schools during Covid reduced demand for large orders, and catering companies were hit hard.
Now that people are returning to work and school, demand for catering is increasing, offering opportunities for new businesses.
Little Caesars can stand
out with
large orders.
Chains Give Catering the Backseat
Most chains have limited options for large orders. Here are some common issues:
Difficult to find bulk pricing
No service post-pickup
Lack of quote systems & Limited receipt options
Primary Research
I Interviewed people who would order for a large group on a semi-frequent basis as well as an employee of a catering company to better understand friction points from both the customer and caterer's perspectives. Below are the key takeaways from each Interview.
Key Learnings
Catering Employee
Loading is often the longest friction point for the company
Keeping food accessible during events can be challenging due to group movement
Usually, the same person/contact places orders for different events
Student Body Representative
Order first, compensation later, would order for clubs and University Events
A reimbursment delay once occurred due to incomplete receipt screenshots
Usually need to search for the appropriate number of pizzas to order
Retail Manager
A strict budget allocated for employee lunches
Payment through petty cash or reimbursement
Could be Audited by Loss Prevention if receipts are not reported correctly

Offer rewards for large orders, simplify reimbursement, create a quote system for companies, and provide products for both small and large gatherings.​

Make Large Ordering Easier
The current app focuses on individual-style ordering, so I created some additional ordering options and features to make bulk orders easier.

1. Push Catering Options
Make the catering section easy to locate
Allow users to share a form to notify them of dietary restrictions
Allow quotes for easier pricing and can be shared with others
2. Make Bulk Ordering Easier
Built In pizza Calculator to take the guesswork out of order quantity
Make Bulk Pricing tiers easy to find
Progress bar to encourage users to utilize pricing tiers

3. Make Reimbursment easy
Redesigned order summary screen to make sending receipts easier with PDF export and sharing options
Made it easier to view summary & send multiple receipts
Offer bill splitting option via Venmo

Party Boxes
Designed for at-home parties. It contains items like plates, napkins, cups, entrees, appetizers, and drinks. Making Little Caesars the one-stop shop for parties.
Brand tie in
Partnership opportunities could include:
The Game Awards watch parties
Game Title Launches
NBA Final watch Parties

The Pizza Chariot
A trailer designed for catering events. It’s designed around a 6’x8’ trailer, so the footprint is close to that of a parking space.
Designed to help cater to venues with large crowds, positioning Little Caesars as one of the only chains with full-service catering to large groups.​

Some features include:
Hot Boxes that keep pizza warm and make loading and unloading easier
Serving station, Fountain drinks, and serving window
Unique catering experience helps establish a PR buzz

I chose to focus on Little Caesars because I enjoy working on brands that cater to everyone. I think Little Caesars already does a great job at connecting with local communities and by expanding its catering it can become the first choice for casual catering.
If you would like to learn more about this project or see my process, I would love to talk. I can be reached at jikleydes@gmail.com.